Connecting through proxy tutorial by SNiiP3R


1) Visual Basic
2) Winsock Control
3) Working proxy server

Why use proxies ?

It is very useful if you are making a website flooder / attacking tool. I've seen plenty of programs that connect directly to the target site. It's probably the dumbest thing you can do. It'd be a simple matter for the web host or even the webmaster of the target site to find your IP address.

Let's get started.

Open Visual Basic and add Winsock Control , Command button and 2 text boxes to your form.

Rename Controls:

  -Winsock = wskProxy

  -TextBox2 = txtPort

  -TextBox1 = txtServer

  -Command Button = cmdConnect

The code.

To txtServer you add the proxy server and to txtPort you add the proxy's port number.

Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()

With wskProxy
       .Close ' We close our socket. Just incase
       .Connect txtServer.Text, txtPort.Text ' This connects to proxy server
End With

End Sub


Note: This is just an example of a simple GET function.
The best tool that lets you see GET / POST headers is a packet watcher.
I recommend using a SocSpy or Commview.

Private Sub
ThePage As String, TheHost As String

ThePage = "" ' Here we usually put something like this. Ex: "programs/vb/"
                 ' Basically it's a file that we are requesting.

TheHost = "" ' Now this is the host, that's where the file is.

' And here comes the HTML header

   .SendData "GET /" & ThePage & " HTTP/1.1" & vbCrLf
      .SendData "Accept: text/plain" & vbCrLf
      .SendData "Accept-Language: en-us" & vbCrLf
      .SendData "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" & vbCrLf
      .SendData "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)" & vbCrLf
      .SendData "Host: " & TheHost & vbCrLf
      .SendData "Connection: Keep-Alive" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End With

End Sub

' This Sub is not that important unless you need to see the incoming data

Private Sub wskProxy_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim strData As String

wskProxy.PeekData strData, vbString, bytesTotal

End Sub


The method is simple, really. Instead of connecting to the site, connect to the proxy site and port, and in the headers, make the Host: be the address of the target site. That's really all there is to a proxy. Be aware, however, that some proxies give your real IP address in the outgoing headers it sends to the target site - usually this isn't a big problem, but if the webmaster is smart, he can get your IP address from those proxies.